home router battery backup

Sean Donelan sean at donelan.com
Wed Jan 12 18:50:46 UTC 2022

Need to look at the entire infrastructure.  Now, its less about backup for 
the hardwired router, and better utility backups and construction for 
mobile provider infrastructure.

Almost all households have at least one mobile phone, with built-in 
battery backup :-)  We used to have public pay telephones for people 
without phones in their homes, but not anymore.

Landline telephone - 40% households (70% in 2010, and 96% in 2000)

Smart speakers - 50% households (introduced in 2014)

Cellular smartphone - 80% households (34% in 2010, introduced 2007)
   - yes, I know, the first smartphone was 1994, but the modern smartphone
was introduced in 2007.

Cellular phone (anytype) - 97% households (80% in 2010, 55% in 2000)
   - older and poorer people have 'dumb' cell phones - WEA doesn't reach

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