Why does Sprint have address filters again?

Karl Denninger karl at mcs.net
Sun May 31 23:54:52 UTC 1998

On Sun, May 31, 1998 at 12:52:04PM -0700, Roeland M.J. Meyer wrote:
> Guys,
> I hate to bring business issues up in a technical forum, but y'all started it.
> There is a definite business case for portable /21's. First off, I
> understand the technical need to limit ASN's to /19's so I don't need
> lecture #101. However, those limits were set quite some time ago. When can
> we reduce them? Has technology stood still?

No, it has not.

> The need is for service ISP's, as opposed to Internet Access Providers. We
> need portability too.

Tell me about it.

The whole /19 thing started as a bad idea, and has propagated because other
people picked up on it and said "yeah, ok" and then formulated policy around
it - instead of whacking the first person with a wet noodle.

There are some providers out there who think that there's no reason they
should have to spend money on RAM and CPU in their core routers.  There's
a curious correlation between those folks, and the ones with the largest 
number of route announcements too. :-)

Karl Denninger (karl at MCS.Net)| MCSNet - Serving Chicagoland and Wisconsin
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