Mr. Ferguson,'s problems with the list.

jprovo at jprovo at
Wed Jul 23 10:30:31 UTC 1997

>Anyone who thinks that the AUP specifically addresses any of the
>threads it's been mentioned to quash in the last 14 days apparently
>speaks a different version of English than I do.

It all seems to land under item 6, except for the light insults (item

DNS politics           (non-ops aspect of alternic's purposeful cache
Registry politics      (the "nsi-monopoly" stuff)
socioeconomic politics (the "who's a capitalist? I am!" gribbage)

While I'm at it, common courtesy says not to post private email publicly
and common sense says don't hash out broken mailers on public lists.  I
expect you should hear *plonks* into .procmailrcs today.


Joe "I'm sorry, perhaps your horse isn't high enough?" Provo

(affiliation for identification, not endorsement, etc std disclaimers)

Joe Provo, Network Architect                         800.763.8111 x3006
Network Operations Center                            Fax   508.229.2375
UltraNet Communications, Inc.                        <jprovo at>

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