best of breed nowadays in DPI space?

Rogelio scubacuda at
Fri Apr 22 14:46:13 UTC 2011

Those interest in knowing more about the DPI + mobility space (what
I'm looking at) might want to check out this Jan 2011 whitepaper.

(sorry, sign up required)

Not very technical, but a good overview on the subject as it pertains to LTE.

Also on LinkedIn?  Feel free to connect if you too are an open
networker: scubacuda at

On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 4:06 PM, Rogelio <scubacuda at> wrote:
> I have been recently researching DPI for several projects I am working
> on, and I recently came across this "shoot out" between several
> vendors in 2009
> Procera (at that time) emerged "the winner" for its ability to process
> P2P traffic (out of 15 participants), and I was wondering what new
> players, features, or products others might point me to. I am looking
> for something that does reporting *and* DPI in a distributed
> environment.  That means, I might have several DPI gateways around the
> country that need to roll up their reporting into one main one.  (I
> also have some other requirements as far as measuring churn reduction
> and cellular offloading, but I'm not sure that any of the DPI
> solutions can really do that well.)
> If anyone has any good contacts in this space, please let me know and
> I might discuss with them in more detail these opportunities that I'm
> looking for.
> --
> Also on LinkedIn?  Feel free to connect if you too are an open
> networker: scubacuda at

Also on LinkedIn?  Feel free to connect if you too are an open
networker: scubacuda at

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