N91 Women mixer on Sunday?

Eric Parsonage eric at eparsonage.com
Fri Mar 29 05:03:43 UTC 2024

It's easily fixed by having a mixer at the same time for the other half of the gathering population thus showing all the population gathering matters equally.

On 29 March 2024 2:50:19 pm ACDT, Ren Provo <ren.provo at gmail.com> wrote:
>I beg to differ here and second Ilissa’s comments.  I miss WiT.  Lunch
>during the meeting worked.  Giving up more of the weekend to travel does
>not show half the population gathering matters.
>On Thu, Mar 28, 2024 at 15:16 Morris, Tina via NANOG <nanog at nanog.org>
>> Illissa,
>> The mixer is at 5pm Sunday, this allows people to network and prepare for
>> the week. Sunday also has a hackathon, registration, and often a welcome
>> social. NANOG has a very compressed schedule and another time would
>> actually mean that the women participating would have to pick between this
>> event and another event or talk  that may be critical to their job
>> function, which is also unfair.
>> We are advertising this mixer to make sure all are aware and can attend,
>> and the mixers will  be on the schedule at the same approximate time at
>> each meeting going forward.
>> I hope we will see you there.
>> Tina Morris
>> On Mar 28, 2024, at 14:12, Thomas Scott <mr.thomas.scott at gmail.com> wrote:
>> *CAUTION*: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not
>> click links or open attachments unless you can confirm the sender and know
>> the content is safe.
>> > While the times are changing, women continue to remain primary
>> caregivers for families and this will require them to desert their families
>> a day early.  I find it offensive personally and feel like you may have
>> missed the mark.
>> The hackathon has for (as far as I’ve known about it) been on Sunday. I
>> don’t work on Sundays - it’s a day for my family (unless the almighty pager
>> goes off), so I’ve never gone - even though it’s one of the parts of NANOG
>> I’d enjoy, and would benefit from the most.
>> There are tradeoffs for everything - perhaps the idea was to keep the
>> women’s mixer separate from the other evening events, so that those who
>> wish to participate, can do all of the evening events, and not have to give
>> up anything, at the cost of the extra day. That being said, I agree, moving
>> more to Sunday is not an acceptable answer to me.
>> Best Regards,
>> -Thomas Scott
>> On Mar 28, 2024 at 1:45:07 PM, Ilissa Miller <ilissa at imillerpr.com> wrote:
>>> For those that know me, I rarely provide constructive input about NANOG
>>> matters due to my past affiliation, however, I just saw that NANOG
>>> announced the Women mixer on Sunday before NANOG 91 and am outraged for all
>>> of the young professional women
>>> ZjQcmQRYFpfptBannerStart
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>> For those that know me, I rarely provide constructive input about NANOG
>>> matters due to my past affiliation, however, I just saw that NANOG
>>> announced the Women mixer on Sunday before NANOG 91 and am outraged for all
>>> of the young professional women who would like to participate in NANOG.
>>> While the times are changing, women continue to remain primary caregivers
>>> for families and this will require them to desert their families a day
>>> early.  I find it offensive personally and feel like you may have missed
>>> the mark.
>>> The amount of times I hear people complain about having to leave their
>>> families is one of the reasons this industry has a problem keeping young
>>> people - especially women.
>>> Does anyone else feel the same?
>>> --
>>> *Ilissa Miller*
>>> *CEO, iMiller Public Relations
>>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.imillerpr.com__;!!I6uDfDBXfA!181DBJ-FtVXbxl2Cf3GD05kg0qsfnD4gdtQI9hJ64xq3Q6B0MHGT1XNwKAr9Vv-qdyTXEvwN7JrbIVyu$>*
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