The great Netflix vpn debacle! (geofeeds)

Michael Thomas mike at
Wed Sep 1 01:01:03 UTC 2021

On 8/31/21 4:40 PM, Owen DeLong via NANOG wrote:
> On the other hand, the last time I went looking for a 27” monitor, I ended up buying a 44” smart television because it was a cheaper HDMI 4K monitor than the 27” alternatives that weren’t televisions. (It also ended up being cheaper than the 27” televisions which didn’t do 4K only 1080p, but I digress).

Back when 4k just came out and they were really expensive, I found a 
"TV" by an obscure brand called Seiki which was super cheap. It was a 
39" model. It's just a monitor to me, but I have gotten really used to 
its size and not needing two different monitors (and the gfx card to 
support it). What's distressing is that I was looking at what would 
happen if I needed to replace it and there is this gigantic gap where 
there are 30" monitors (= expensive) and 50" TV's which are relatively 
cheap. The problem is that 40" is sort of Goldielocks with 4k where 50" 
is way too big and 30" is too small. Thankfully it's going on 10 years 
old and still working fine.


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