Best practices IPv4/IPv6 BGP (dual stack)

Mikael Abrahamsson swmike at
Sat May 3 18:23:43 UTC 2014

On Sat, 3 May 2014, Vitkovský Adam wrote:

> Sure it's a different transport protocol altogether, anyways It's 
> interesting to see how everybody tends to separate the IPv4 and IPv6 AFs 
> onto a different TCP sessions and still run the plethora of other AFs on 
> the common v4 TCP session, maybe apart from couple of the big folks, who 
> can afford running separate control-plane and edge infrastructure for 
> some of the AFs, IPv6 AF being the first ran separately.

I know lots of people who run vpnv4 separately from ipv4 and ipv6 (so they 
have 3 sessions). The ones I talked to intends to run vpnv6 separately as 

Mikael Abrahamsson    email: swmike at

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