What is the correct way to get Whitelisted?

Al Iverson aliversonchicagolists at gmail.com
Fri Mar 30 15:23:45 UTC 2007

On 3/30/07, Wil Schultz <wschultz at bsdboy.com> wrote:
> On another side note, if anyone has information on how to get
> whitelisted (or DeBlacklisted :-) ) from Hotmail, MSN, Earthlink,
> AOL, Yahoo!, etc feel free to email offlist...


Here's an overview I've written on how to deal with this with regard to AOL:


If the online forms don't work for AOL, or you get declined, the next
step would be to call the phone number in AOL's domain registration.
The people on the other end will ask a bunch of questions, then you'll
go into a queue and get a call back from somebody with more

Hope that helps.

It's certainly worth trying to ask for more help over on SPAM-L, but
it'd pretty much be a coin toss as to whether or not you'd get useful
advice, or simply be accused of being a dirty rotten spammer.

Al Iverson

Al Iverson on Spam and Deliverabilty, see http://www.aliverson.com
Message copyright 2007 by Al Iverson. For posts to SPAM-L, permission
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