Collocation Access

Mark Newton newton at
Wed Dec 27 23:22:40 UTC 2006

On Thu, Dec 28, 2006 at 12:13:07AM +0100, Leo Vegoda wrote:

 > My driving license doesn't have a photograph on it, so using it as an  
 > identity document is pointless.

There's no way for a minimum-wage security grunt to verify the 
particulars of my passport, so using it as an identity document
is pointless.

Even if they could verify it, my passport says nothing about 
whether or not I'm authorized to enter any colocation facilities,
so using it as an identity document would *still* be pointless.

Lets keep our eyes on the real issue here, which is that requiring
handover of an "identity document" usually has very little to do 
with actual identification.  These places are making you hand over
something of value to lessen the likelihood that you'll leave without
following their sign-out procedures.

They're basically using security window-dressing (identification
requirements) to solve a procedural/business issue.  It makes no
difference to them whether you hand over your passport, drivers
license, car keys, marriage license or firstborn son, as long as
you sign-out and hand back your visitors pass on the way out of
the building when you're finished.

   - mark

Mark Newton                               Email:  newton at (W)
Network Engineer                          Email:  newton at  (H)
Internode Systems Pty Ltd                 Desk:   +61-8-82282999
"Network Man" - Anagram of "Mark Newton"  Mobile: +61-416-202-223

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