Schneier: ISPs should bear security burden

Edward Lewis Ed.Lewis at
Wed Apr 27 13:25:55 UTC 2005

>clean it up from pollutants [spam, ddos], add antibacterial 
>[antivirus] agents,
;)  My hotel confirmation for NANOG 34 was marked as spam. 
Thankfully, the ISP let it through anyway.

It would be nice if the ISPs protected me from bad stuff on the 
Internet - but why are they to be held to a higher standard than 
similar services?

E.g., (not intended as a water-tight analogy) the roads around me 
have laws and enforcement (sometimes).  If I am hit by someone who 
breaks a rule, my insurance takes care of that.  But the road system 
offers no protection to guarantee my on-time arrival at a Wednesday 
night beering session.  (No over-provisioning there.)

If we can't make it easy to get to happy hour, how are we going to 
make the Internet safe?
Edward Lewis                                                +1-571-434-5468

If you knew what I was thinking, you'd understand what I was saying.

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