What HTTP exploit?

Suresh Ramasubramanian suresh at outblaze.com
Mon May 31 01:18:42 UTC 2004

Richard Welty [30/05/04 19:57 -0400]:
> # control logging
> SetEnvIf Request_URI "^/default.ida?" dontlog
> SetEnvIf Request_Method "SEARCH" dontlog

Nathan Torkington's vermicide helps - (needs mod_perl)


# this goes into your httpd.conf file
# the push_handlers line below prevents logging of worm requests
# remove that line if you want to know who's been contacting you

  package Apache::Vermicide;
  use Apache::Constants qw(:common :response);
  sub handler {
    my $r = shift;

    if ($r->uri() =~ /root\.exe|cmd\.exe|default\.ida/i) {
        $r->push_handlers(PerlLogHandler => sub { return BAD_REQUEST });
        return BAD_REQUEST;
    return DECLINED;
PerlPostReadRequestHandler Apache::Vermicide

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