16-bit ASN kludge

Edward B. Dreger eddy+public+spam at noc.everquick.net
Sat Dec 4 03:03:08 UTC 2004

OD> Date: Fri, 03 Dec 2004 18:09:48 -0800
OD> From: Owen DeLong

OD> I think all the meaningful parties have already pretty much agreed on
OD> 32bit ASNs in BGP4.  I think that will be coded in the routers well before
OD> any attribute-based thing for 32bit ASNs is.  As such, I don't see much
OD> point to kludging this instead of just going for it assuming a 32bit world.

Then belay my 16-bit ramblings.  I'm probably a bit naive in thinking a
new attribute would be passed along by enough transits to be useful; an
"adopt this incompatible protocol or become an island" approach may well
be needed.

I still have to wonder if some leaf optimizations are possible.  Perhaps
an incompatible protocol would leave more implementation wiggle room.

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