in-addr survey?

bmanning at bmanning at
Fri May 11 22:49:45 UTC 2001

> I'm attempting to convince "the powers that be" that attempting to use
> reverse lookups to determine geographic locale is extremely
> inaccurate. One of the reasons among the many this is the case (I
> believe) is that significant portion of admins do not have properly configured
> in-addr. Has anyone done this sort of survey(Bill Manning?) If so,
> anyone have a pointer handy?
> Thanks.

Define "proper" please. Depending on what the selection criteria are and
where one is looking, the numbers vary.  The Mice&Men numbers indicate
upwords of 75% of the delegations are flawed. My numbers point to about
55-60% of the delegations have some errors.  On a bad day, I'm surprised
the thing works as well as it does.


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