multi-homing fixes

Mark Radabaugh mark at
Tue Aug 28 18:13:26 UTC 2001

On Tue, 28 Aug 2001, Leo Bicknell wrote:

> While there is a great lack of clue in many locations, don't forget 
> the bean counters/marketing/sales.
> In an outage, virtually all ISP's prioritize customer restoriation,
> and sometimes the quality of the engineer working the incident by
> the size of the circuit (which presumably translates into $$$'s,
> but that's a whole different tarball).  Thus, one could conclude
> that the lowest speed circuits get the "worst" service, and thus
> those with the smallest bandwidth needs have the largest need to
> multihome.

The interesting part is that when we were single homed a upstream outage
was a HUGE deal and generated very demanding calls to the upstreams
support staff.  Now when we loose an upstream it generates a shrug and a
phone call - so...

Multihomed customers generate LESS technical support rather than
more?  Maybe we should urge more people to multihome...


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