DACS vendor

Dave Cooper dcooper at gulp.org
Thu Sep 23 14:42:30 UTC 1999

Depending on what kind of capacity you are talking 
about, the industry standard for 1/0 DACS' is the
Alcatel. however, for the smaller/less volume, 
i have heard that the newer StarDAX's are pretty


Peter Polasek wrote:
> We are considering using Digital Access Cross Connect units (DACS)
> to split T1 local loops into fractional T channels.  Given that
> our current knowledge of DACS does not extend significantly beyond
> the ability to spell the acronym, I am soliciting advice from the 
> network group for recommended hardware vendors.  Cost is not an 
> object, we are primarily concerned with choosing the 'industry
> standard' manufacturer with the highest reliability and knowledgeable
> technical support.  Please share your experiences (positive or 
> negative) with DACS equipment.  In an effort to minimize traffic on 
> the NANOG list, I request that responses be sent to my e-mail address 
> and I will submit a summary when all the votes are in.  The vendors 
> under consideration now are Adtran, Eastern Research, StarDAX, and
> Fisher Price (we have some reservations about the latter product).
> Thanks in advance,
> Peter Polasek
> pete at brass.com

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