Query for NANOG: Want a Peering BOF?

David Diaz davediaz at netrail.net
Sat Sep 18 04:57:31 UTC 1999

could you post the draft on a web site and then take feedback.  thanks

At 5:10 PM -0400 9/17/99, Abha Ahuja wrote:
>On Fri, 17 Sep 1999, William B. Norton wrote:
>Hey Bill!
> > I can contribute to the agenda an overview of a draft I just finished (with
> > the help of a bunch of you) called "The Peering Decision Tree" that
> > describes in rough terms the process the ISPs I spoke with go through to
> > determine with who and with which method to peer.
>I think that it would be interesting to check out the draft... And maybe
>hear which ISPs contributed.  Is this something that you can send to the
>Thanks, Bill!
>-abha ;)
>abha ahuja						ahuja at merit.edu
>Merit Network, Inc.					734.764.0294

Thank you,
David Diaz
Chief Technical Officer
Netrail, Inc

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