Is there anyone at Netcom with a clue

Phil Howard phil at
Mon Mar 1 23:58:59 UTC 1999

> If there's anyone at Netcom who can read English, I'd appreciate a
> hand.  The operational item is that ongoing abuse is being ignored,
> and shunted into form-letters that look stupid.

Netcom was my first ISP.  They were also the first I canceled.
And I had to do it via my credit card company because there was
no one there that would speak ... any language.

A couple years later I did get a call from someone at Netcom.  At
first, when they said "Netcom", I thought it was going to be someone
trying to collect a past due account (since I had to cut off payment
to get them cut off, it would look to their books like unpaid).  He
then said he had a copy of my resume and asked me if I might be
interested in working for them.  I related my experiences to him
and asked if the problems had been corrected, yet.  He said he didn't
know.  I said it probably wasn't the place for me to work.  He then
said "probably not".

It's corporate culture.  Beware.

OTOH, I get relatively little spam from Netcom.  Go figure.

 --    *-----------------------------*      Phil Howard KA9WGN       *    --
  --   | Inturnet, Inc.              | Director of Internet Services |   --
   --  | Business Internet Solutions |       eng at        |  --
    -- *-----------------------------*      phil at        * --

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