
Katsuhiro Kondou kondou at
Mon Nov 16 22:53:18 UTC 1998

In article <19981116200208.A27675 at>,
	Michael Haba <m.haba at> wrote;

} To cut a long story short, I was just wondering if people could extrapolate 
} their feelings regarding commerical Web Cache solutions. In terms of the
} good, the bad and the ugly.
} At the moment I'm left with 'two goods' Network Appliance's NetCache and
} Inktomi's Traffic Server and would appreciate some input to sort them out.

I don't think there is major difference in caching, but some
appliance have some problem in their routing. NetCache learns
it from icmp redirect or rip1 which is quite poor for redundant
network topology.  I don't know about CacheFlow quite well, but
it seems to speak rip1 at most.  I believe they should speak
ospf at least, if they run in a large isp.  As for inktomi,
there may not be any routing problem since it runs on some unix
boxes, but it cannot handle so many connections simultaneously
like NetCache or CacheFlow.
Katsuhiro Kondou

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