Digex transparent proxying

Rich Sena ras at poppa.clubrich.tiac.net
Sat Jun 27 10:07:57 UTC 1998

On Sat, 27 Jun 1998, Karl Denninger wrote:
> The proper response to that is for the people who have the right to determine 
> how, and by who, their content is viewed, to deny those people access to that 
> content unless they can determine who is viewing the content, how often it is 
> being viewed, and that the content being viewed by those people is actually 
> correct and up-to-date because it is coming directly from their servers.

If the web-designer "understands" how caching actually works then this in
the other issues you raise are not really issues Karl.  HTTP Cache-Control
Headers work wonders when actually used.  Caching and Proxying are out
there and being actively used whether transparent or not - it's simply how
it is - a web designer should guarantee their stats and validity and
freshness of their data by using HTTP headers correctly.

> Not if you can't count them at all!  A transparent proxy cache reports
> nothing back to the originating site, ergo, those "views" are lost and 
> never reported, even by inference.

Why would you want to rely on the proxy for accuracy - would you bill
advertisers by someone else's accounting methods? No - you would take
steps and measures to ensure that your's were not circumvented by a cache
or proxy.  Usually that means you talk to your content provider and make
sure they are parsing your meta tags on the server correctly so that some
of your content will be dynamic to any cache or proxy that they will
encounter on the way to any end user on the planet.

> You, for being stupid beyond words.
> Oh, I forgot - being stupid and twisting people's words is now considered
> a protected class in the United States.
> Go take your Lithium Sean, you forgot your pill this morning.

Cmon Karl can't we all just get along?

I am nothing if not net-Q! - ras at poppa.clubrich.tiac.net

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