An end to spam through Graphnet

J.D. Falk jdfalk at
Fri Aug 1 21:36:33 UTC 1997

On Aug 1, Geoff White <geoffw at> wrote: 

> > Let this be an object lesson to those of you out there who have
> > yet to upgrade:
> > the spammers will find you sooner or later.

	And once they've found you, they will keep on relaying through
	you until you make it impossible for them to do so.

> Can anyone elaborate a little more on the "one true" set of procedures
> that one should take to prevent spammers from abusing ones resources.

	It varies depending on what your situation is, and how smart
	you expect your customers to be.

> The current problem that I have is valid customers who are "on the road"
> and want to sendmail through my SMTP server when they dial into 
> att or netcom, before their eudora's used to point their SMTP server
> at me, that ain't happenin' after my spam attach so is there some work
> around that they can use?

	The /best/ idea is to have them use a local SMTP server.  If
	they can't or won't do that, there are a few recipes floating
	around that let you exempt messages from specific sources; I
	haven't investigated those much, but they're out there.

J.D. Falk                         voice: +1-415-482-2840 	
Supervisor, Network Operations      fax: +1-415-482-2844
See us at ISPCON '97, booth #501
"The People You Know.  The People You Trust."

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