IPv6 uptake (was: The Reg does 240/4)

Owen DeLong owen at delong.com
Sat Feb 17 18:42:36 UTC 2024

> Think of it like this: you have a guard, you have a fence and you have
> barbed wire on top of the fence. Can you secure the place without the
> barbed wire? Of course. Can an intruder defeat the barbed wire? Of
> course. Is it more secure -with- the barbed wire? Obviously.
NAT is like the barbed wire. Anyone with a pair of wire cutters doesn’t need to defeat the barbed wire, they just cut the fence instead. 

But I understand how the barbed wire makes you and management feel warm and fuzzy. 

The problem here is that NAT is also like a big blind spot in the video cameras that should be helping you spot the guy cutting the fence. 


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