Erik Muller erikm at buh.org
Tue Jan 31 17:12:31 UTC 2012

On 1/31/12 11:42 , chip wrote:
> Hi all,
>    Can anyone point me to ongoing discussion about IPv6 BGP SNMP MIBs
> going on in the IETF?  As I understand it RFC 4293 was somewhat
> abandoned by most vendors.  Cisco has a new BGPV4-2 Mib but that still
> doesn't address all the needs.  While I can try and push all my
> vendors to come up with a MIB that has parity with IPv4 I assume our
> standards bodies are working towards that goal as well.  I can't seem
> to locate where these discussions are happening within the IETF...or
> if they even are.  Any pointers or education for my ignorance is
> appreciated.

There's little-to-no ongoing discussion happening, but such as there is 
happens on the IDR working group list 

The latest rev is draft-ietf-idr-bgp4-mibv2-12.txt and 
draft-ietf-idr-bgp4-mibv2-tc-mib-03.txt; both just expired again.  Jeff's 
been refreshing them periodically to keep them active, but there have been 
no substantial changes since -09 (Feb 2009).

As I understand it, there are no known issues, it's just waiting on the 
chicken-and-egg problem of needing implementations to demonstrate that it's 
complete before publishing as an RFC, and vendors have been reluctant to 
implement it until it was actually a published RFC.

I strongly encourage anyone who enjoys monitoring their BGP infrastructure 
to pressure their vendors to implement the draft as it stands with the idea 
of finally getting this to standard level.  At one point I had multiple 
vendors committed to doing so, and I think at least C and B still have it 
on their respective roadmaps for RSN.


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