N91 Women mixer on Sunday?

Mark Tinka mark at tinka.africa
Thu Mar 28 19:52:54 UTC 2024

On 3/28/24 21:08, Tom Beecher wrote

> There was a Women in Tech Mixer on Sunday in Charlotte as well. As I 
> recall there was a pretty decent attendance.
> During my time on the PC, we always got a lot of feedback about Sunday 
> when the topic came up. Some members were strongly opposed to anything 
> on Sunday and didn't even like the Hackathon there. Others wanted 
> expansion, and more things slotted in. There certainly wasn't 
> anything remotely close to a consensus. Sometimes people can make it 
> in early on Sunday. Sometimes they can't. There's no one size fits all 
> answer.
> I'm not sure people realize how much crap that staff and the PC get 
> *every meeting* about the agenda. There's always someone unhappy 
> because this event wasn't the same, or why was it in this room over 
> here, or OMG Wed afternoon, etc. Having seen how that sausage gets 
> made, they don't get enough credit.
> In my opinion, they found a spot that they had room for, and if people 
> can make it with their schedules, then great. If not, hopefully a 
> future slot can work.

Typical constraints such as scheduling and resources notwithstanding, 
100% participation is not often guaranteed in most things. It's about 
planning for as many as can make it. With some luck, it would be the 


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