165 Halsey recurring power issues

Eric Kuhnke eric.kuhnke at gmail.com
Tue Oct 24 03:53:12 UTC 2023

I didn't say that I have sympathy for it but that unfortunately this is
considered acceptable practice within many low-budget "hosting" companies
and probably has been for 15 years. It's a known risk when you're buying a
$50/month "server". Same general category of problem as the OVH datacenter
that caught on fire in France a while back. Anything like that which
becomes a race to the bottom in pricing for product MRC will have
unacceptable corners cut.

I would highly encourage anyone who takes seriously hosting their own stuff
to really know/understand the full infrastructure "underneath" your server
in terms of power and cooling redundancy.

On Mon, Oct 23, 2023 at 4:38 PM William Herrin <bill at herrin.us> wrote:

> On Mon, Oct 23, 2023 at 3:56 PM Eric Kuhnke <eric.kuhnke at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Bulk/high-volume hosting companies, dedicated server companies/small
> > rack unit count colocation operate on very thin margins. Unless a
> > customer is paying a LOT more per month they're not economically
> > going to be connected to true diverse A/B power.
> Zero sympathy for anyone who advertises A/B power and doesn't at least
> have them connected to different UPSs. Don't care how big you are;
> don't advertise fake reliability. I don't need "six nines" to make
> effective use of your service but if you lie to me, we're done.
> Regards,
> Bill Herrin
> --
> William Herrin
> bill at herrin.us
> https://bill.herrin.us/
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