RPKI unknown for superprefixes of existing ROA ?

Amir Herzberg amir.lists at gmail.com
Sat Oct 21 14:03:56 UTC 2023

Hi Owen, Randy, Job and other NANOGers,

I surely agree with you all that we shouldn't expect discarding of
ROA-unknown `anytime soon' (or ever?). But I have a question: what about
discarding ROA-unknowns for very large prefixes (say, /12), or for
superprefixes of prefixes with announced ROAs? Or at least, for
superprefixes of prefixes with ROA to AS 0?

For motivation, consider the `superprefix hijack attack'. Operator has
prefix 1.2.4/22, but announce only 1.2.5/24 and 1.2.6/24, with appropriate
ROAs. To avoid abuse of 1.2.4/24 and 1.2.7/24, they also make a ROA for
1.2.4/22 with AS 0. Attacker now announces 1.2.0/20, and uses IPs in
1.2.4/24 and 1.2.7/24 to send spam etc.. We introduced this threat and
analyzed it in our ROV++ paper, btw (NDSS'21 I think - available online too
of course).

So: would it be conceivable that operators will block such 1.2.0/20  -
since it's too large a prefix without ROA and in particular includes
sub-prefixes with ROA, esp. ROA to AS 0?
Amir Herzberg

Comcast professor of Security Innovations, Computer Science and
Engineering, University of Connecticut
Homepage: https://sites.google.com/site/amirherzberg/home
`Applied Introduction to Cryptography' textbook and lectures:

On Thu, Oct 19, 2023 at 2:49 PM Owen DeLong via NANOG <nanog at nanog.org>

> A question for network operators out there that implement ROV…
> Is anyone rejecting RPKI unknown routes at this time?
> I know that it’s popular to reject RPKI invalid (a ROA exists, but doesn’t
> match the route), but I’m wondering if anyone  is currently or has any
> plans to start rejecting routes which don’t have a matching ROA at all?
> Thanks,
> Owen
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