ARIN whois contact abuse from ipv4depot aka Silicon Desert International Inc

Niels Bakker niels=nanog at
Thu Oct 12 17:59:12 UTC 2023

* Laura Smith [Thu 12 Oct 2023, 19:01 CEST]:
>I mean, most (all ?) of the registries still can't be bothered to 
>validate the information the resource holders post to the 
>database.  Last time I asked, e.g. RIPE about it, they basically 
>said "not my problem guv" , pointed me to some policy document that 
>said members should provide correct details and well, that was about 
>So if they don't do that, then what hope is there for them doing 
>something about the harvesters ?

RIPE have a policy that states members should submit correct contact 
details. Having spammers harvest the database discourages people from 
submitting correct contact details. Ergo, RIPE have a vested interest 
in ensuring the database doesn't get abused by spammers.

Literally everybody hates spam and spammers so it's an easy choice.

How an RIR would validate information, how often that should be done, 
and what would constitute valid information anyway is a very long 
discussion that has no bearing on abuse of said information.

	-- Niels.

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