Low to Mid Range DWDM Platforms

Thomas Croghan TCroghan at dna-communications.com
Mon Oct 9 17:33:07 UTC 2023

I did some work with their passive DWDM equipment. Everything was within spec and seemed to work fine for the year I was there after we deployed it.

Actually being honest, we did all our light loss math based on FS's specs and we ended up having to use attenuators in one instance. So be certain to check the certification sheets when you get your product.

On Oct 9, 2023 09:13, michael brooks - ESC <michael.brooks at adams12.org> wrote:
>On the same topic, anyone have experience with the stuff from fs.com<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://fs.com__;!!IR39LLzvxw!PGJ97ToHx5NZWWby4LKNnMDU_u-xfmUhkusE-0RRoatuF_SK72zGd7KWDJvcRXLZ8JNyKO6wDKCHB9UTDCzWvMwMYSLX$>?

We use their patch cables, both SM and MM. Solid product, and good to work with (we have had them build custom-length cables).

michael brooks
Sr. Network Engineer
Adams 12 Five Star Schools
michael.brooks at adams12.org<mailto:michael.brooks at adams12.org>
"flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss"

On Fri, Oct 6, 2023 at 8:04 AM David Bass <davidbass570 at gmail.com<mailto:davidbass570 at gmail.com>> wrote:
On the same topic, anyone have experience with the stuff from fs.com<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://fs.com__;!!IR39LLzvxw!PGJ97ToHx5NZWWby4LKNnMDU_u-xfmUhkusE-0RRoatuF_SK72zGd7KWDJvcRXLZ8JNyKO6wDKCHB9UTDCzWvMwMYSLX$>?

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