Northern Virginia has had enough with data centers

Sean Donelan sean at
Fri Jun 23 23:43:38 UTC 2023

On Fri, 23 Jun 2023, wrote:
>> Northern Virginia has about 275 data centers
> There’s probably close to that number in the South Bay Area of California as well.

California is well-known for its state enviromental laws and zoning, so 
some of the issues with the 'wild-west' zoning of rural Virginia are 

When data centers developers aren't required to add cost in NOVA, they 
don't.  No water conservation, no air-quality controls, no off-site sound 
silencers.  Stuff that may be required by California zoning.

I remember when we specified 'hospital-grade' silencers on outdoor 
equipment; and the push-back about the 'extra-cost.'

NOVA counties had zoning rules about decibel levels, but not sound 
frequencies or duration.  The fan noise from the largest data centers in 
NOVA/Maryland have been measured up to a couple of miles away.

While the noise level may be less than the legal decibel level, the 
24-hour drone (frequency) seems to penetrate standard house and building 
construction in NOVA. Its the night-time constant fan droning noises when 
people are trying to sleep which cause the most complaints.

As data centers proliferate, neighbors knock the noise

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