FCC Chair Rosenworcel Proposes to Investigate Impact of Data Caps

Sean Donelan sean at donelan.com
Thu Jun 15 22:19:08 UTC 2023

While a lot of ISPs gave up on data caps, the language is still lurking in 
many Terms Of Service.


proposed Notice of Inquiry to learn more about how broadband providers use 
data caps on consumer plans. Data caps, or usage limits, are a common 
practice where an internet service provider (ISP) restricts how much 
bandwidth or data a consumer uses, though many broadband ISPs temporarily 
or permanently refrained from enforcing or imposing data caps in response 
to the COVID-19 pandemic. In particular, the agency would like to better 
understand the current state of data caps, their impact on consumers, and 
whether the Commission should consider taking action to ensure that data 
caps do not cause harm to competition or consumers’ ability to access
broadband Internet services.

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