afrinic rpki issue

Alex Band alex at
Wed Jun 14 17:33:38 UTC 2023

Hi Carlos,

Happy to hear everything is working fine with the latest version of Routinator.

At lot of work has been put into making fetching and validating RPKI data more robust since the (over two year old) version of Routinator that you were running. 

I want to make an important point for the entire NANOG community:

As developers and operators, we’re still learning a lot about RPKI as it grows and evolves in the real world. Maintainers of relying party software [1] are actively adapting and improving their software every day to accommodate this. 

This is security software. Please keep it updated.




> On 14 Jun 2023, at 18:43, Carlos Friaças <cfriacas at> wrote:
> Greetings,
> My issue seems to be solved.
> It seems the Afrinic glitch is incompatible with the version of routinator i was using. So i updated to the last version (0.12.1), and now i can get Afrinic's ROAs again :-)
> Thanks Alex and Cedrick!
> Best Regards,
> Carlos

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