sigs wanted for a response to the fcc's NOI for faster broadband speeds

William Herrin bill at
Sat Dec 2 04:20:31 UTC 2023

On Fri, Dec 1, 2023 at 1:45 PM Shane Ronan <shane at> wrote:
> Unfortunately from my experience it's usually because the small local
> ISPs don't have the resources to understand IPv6, and may be using
> equipment generations old that may not support IPv6. It's the large
> ISPs that don't want to do it because it would increase their operational
> costs and require upgrades to operational systems and they see no new
> revenue associated.

Hi Shane,

6rd works well enough, has been around long enough, and doesn't
require any significant equipment upgrades to implement. An ISP who
hasn't at least implemented that much is just being lazy.

Bill Herrin

William Herrin
bill at

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