Starlink terminals deployed in Ukraine

Tony Wicks tony at
Thu Mar 3 00:11:16 UTC 2022

Invade America?… um, not even close to a thing


From: NANOG < at> On Behalf Of Mike
Sent: Thursday, 3 March 2022 12:39 pm
To: nanog at
Subject: Re: Starlink terminals deployed in Ukraine


You guys are missing the obvious. Russia isn't going to attack starlink in space, they are going to take over it's command and control functions and deorbit the entire constellation without firing a shot. Same for China and N. Korea, which both already have ample motivation already to go after starlink because of the existential threat to the iron fisted control they exert over their populace and the free flow of information. So while musk may be able to fly 50 at a time and has his own launch capability, if the command and control facilities are hijacked, musk will run out of money putting it all back together.

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