What do you think about the "cloudification" of mobile?

Keith Stokes keiths at salonbiz.com
Thu Jan 27 22:09:22 UTC 2022

In Andreessen Horowitz's words:

“you’re crazy if you don’t start in the cloud; you’re crazy if you stay 
on it"

On 1/27/22 15:54, Michael Thomas wrote:
> On 1/26/22 11:11 PM, Mark Tinka wrote:
>> On 1/26/22 17:10, Tom Beecher wrote:
>>> Those folks also tend to learn hard lessons about what happens when 
>>> the Magic Cloud provider fails in a way that isn't possible to 
>>> anticipate because it's all black box.
>>> Saving 12 months of opex $ sounds great, except when you lose 18 
>>> months of opex $ in 2 days completely outside of your ability to 
>>> control.
>> I don't disagree.
>> What this does, though, is democratize access into the industry. For 
>> a simple business model that is serving a small community with a 
>> handful of eyeballs, not trying to grow forever but put food on the 
>> table, it's somewhere to start.
> Didn't Netflix for the longest time run on AWS? I imagine if I were 
> talking to a VC these days and said the first thing I was going to do 
> is rack up a bunch of servers, I'd get laughed at. Cloud makes sense 
> until it doesn't make sense. Just like everything else.
> Mike

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