(Free)RADIUS Front-End

Mark Tinka mark at tinka.africa
Sat Feb 12 15:15:11 UTC 2022

For posterity, finally went with Splynx.

Really awesome product, covering not only RADIUS but also CRM, billing, 
invoicing, remote integration, e.t.c.

Just in case anyone else ends up having the same requirement.


On 9/20/21 09:19, Mark Tinka wrote:
> On 9/20/21 02:16, Philip Loenneker wrote:
>> Splynx is a commercial product designed to be an entire package for 
>> running an ISP, including billing etc. It uses FreeRadius in the 
>> backend which chains into their own RADIUS system. Integration for 
>> MikroTik routers is very extensive, but we have had it working with a 
>> variety of other BNGs too including Cisco and Linux-based systems. 
>> You can add in RADIUS dictionaries and customise the router profiles 
>> via the GUI to send whatever VSAs you require, including for COA. The 
>> APIs on it are extensive, making automation of service provisioning 
>> relatively easy. The IPAM in it is fairly basic, primarily ensuring 
>> that you don't re-use IPs between multiple services. IPv6 support is 
>> included, but primarily for IPv6-PD rather than interface IPs, 
>> however I have managed to get a BNG to assign an IPv4 address, an 
>> IPv6 interface address and IPv6-PD all from the Splynx profile. The 
>> accounting is ok, allowing you to apply bandwidth caps on users if 
>> required, including different speeds for different times of day.
>> www.splynx.com
> Many thanks, Philip. Looks awesome!
> Mark.
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