junos config commit question
Marco Davids
mdavids at forfun.net
Fri Feb 11 22:22:39 UTC 2022
rollback 0
Op 11-02-22 om 23:18 schreef Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM):
> On an EX4300 switch running JunOS 14.1 let's imagine I typed
> config
> delete interfaces
> before coming to my senses. How am I supposed to back out of that
> mess? For the life of me, after a week of reading the 3000 page
> reference manual, and endless DuckDuckGoing, I cannot see a simple
> way of just abandoning the commit. I've got to be missing something
> stunningly obvious here because it's unthinkable that this functionality
> doesn't exist. Help?!?
> The only way out I can see is to drop into the shell, make an
> uncompressed copy of juniper.conf.gz, then pop back into the config
> editor and load that over top of the editor's config view. Surely
> there's a saner way of dealing with this.
> --lyndon
Marco Davids
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