Simplified BGP peering solution

Laura Smith n5d9xq3ti233xiyif2vp at
Mon Feb 7 13:11:04 UTC 2022

------- Original Message -------

On Monday, February 7th, 2022 at 12:18, Josh Saul <josh at> wrote:

> How many active ISPs are most of the people on this list dealing with?
> 1-2 - I'm an end user just trying to load balance3-5 - I'm aggressively looking for the best paths for my "customer" traffic6-20 - I have a meet-me POP room or a specific business need for so many connections21+ - I'm an ISP

Not sure I understand the point you're getting at here ?

Surely for any ISP it will be a mixture of the above ? And if any ISP complains about such diversity of customers, surely they are in the wrong business ? If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen (as the old saying goes) ....

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