DNS pulling BGP routes?

Masataka Ohta mohta at necom830.hpcl.titech.ac.jp
Mon Oct 18 13:22:41 UTC 2021

Mark Tinka wrote:

> Yes, but nobody cares about Layer 1 or Layer 2.

As you  wrote:

> You can't tell me that US$700 million being spent to build a > submarine cable around a continent is something to scoff at.

you do care.

> Look, I'm not saying the ITU are bad

FYI, I'm not arguing especially for ITU. But, it do have some
regulatory influence for its Members.

>> FYI, IS-IS is part of OSI, which was jointly developed by ISO and
>> ITU, not by IETF at all.
> You might be forgetting that the IETF adapted IS-IS to IP networks:

Just as RIP was imported from XNS world, which does not deny
Xerox and ITU/ISO primarily contributed to develop the protocols.

> I have zero interest in being the profit police. Who am I tell anyone
> that they are earning too much?

Anti-trust agencies, of course.

>> Access networks are subject to regional monopoly unless unbundling 
>> is forced by regulatory bodies. Worse, with PON, such unbundling
>> is hard (not impossible, see
>> https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/5616389).
> Submarine cables are usually either owned by one party, or a small
> club.

Submarine cables are for backbone.

That's why you must distinguish access and backbone.

						Masataka Ohta

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