DNS pulling BGP routes?

Masataka Ohta mohta at necom830.hpcl.titech.ac.jp
Mon Oct 18 08:11:51 UTC 2021

Mark Tinka wrote:

>> What?
> I will use my network for what I want my network to do for me. There
> are no international rules about why a network must be built.

As you are seemingly requesting international legal formality,
let me point out there are "International Telecommunication
Regulations", based on which network neutrality is discussed
by ITU.

>> Unless they directly reach their end users, yes, of course.
> So by your logic, a bank's internal network used to drive its ATM 
> machines is not neutral because one cannot use that network for
> global IP Transit?

No, of course. So?

> You can't tell me that US$700 million being spent to build a
> submarine cable around a continent is something to scoff at.

That cost is negligible compared to the cost to prepare
access network all over the continent, I'm afraid.

 > Okay, so by your logic, "access providers" should pay CDN's for
 > peering, because the CDN's have spent millions building submarine
 > cables and data centres around the world to bring their service to
 > the access providers. After all, why give the access providers a free
 > ride either?

The essential difference is whether they are neutral or not.

 > In case it's not clear, that last paragraph was sarcastic. It's 2021
 > - long distance, access, backbone, metro, e.t.c. Those are boxes that
 >  don't exist anymore.

Are you saying that there is no such thing as tier 1 ISPs?

							Masataka Ohta

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