IPv6 and CDN's

Mark Tinka mark at tinka.africa
Mon Nov 29 07:25:44 UTC 2021

On 11/29/21 03:33, Masataka Ohta wrote:

> The end result was that our DNS servers became unreachable even though 
> they were still operational. This made it impossible for the rest of 
> the internet to find our servers.

So your suggestion to map machine addresses to human-readable names 
is... what?

Or should we all just get bigger brains and remember machine addresses 
by heart :-)?

> That is an evidence for my statement above "that DNS, so often,
> may not be helpful for network operations against disastrous
> failures".

Don't be drawn into Facebook's size as being what all operators on the 
Internet do.

If DNS, for all operators, died in the same way it did for Facebook, I'm 
certain we'd all be too busy to answer each other on this thread.

Operations significantly smaller than Facebook have had well-architected 
DNS deployment for yonks. Don't let Facebook's scale leave you with the 
assumption that if they cocked it up, the rest of us don't have a chance 
in hell.


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