10 years from now... (was: internet futures)

Michael Thomas mike at mtcc.com
Mon Mar 29 18:45:17 UTC 2021

On 3/29/21 11:36 AM, Matt Erculiani wrote:
> We might be talking a lot more about PRKI as it becomes compulsory, 
> maybe 400G transit links will start being standard across the 
> industry. If we're lucky (or unlucky, depending on how you look at it) 
> maybe a whole new routing protocol will be introduced and rapidly gain 
> popularity.
One interesting observation is that QUIC has the potential to open the 
floodgates for new purpose built transport protocols for things other 
than http that have their own requirements. It also shows that it can 
navigate the problem of pleading kernel code and firewalls that block 
unknown (it it) IP protocol numbers. It's my guess that those were what 
really sunk SCTP. Another thing that is coming up is that with 
increasingly high bandwidth, the TCP checksum is showing its age and 
we'd probably like to leverage crypto-grade hashes instead of being at 
the mercy of a 40 year old algorithm.


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