IP reputation lookup (prefix not single IP)

Sabri Berisha sabri at cluecentral.net
Sat Mar 27 04:17:13 UTC 2021

----- On Mar 26, 2021, at 8:20 PM, John Levine johnl at iecc.com wrote:


> Also keep in mind that "most blocklists" is meaningless. Any moron can
> run a blocklist, any many morons do. The vast majority of blockists
> are used by close to nobody, and only handful are widely enough used
> to matter.

This moron ran a per-country/per-as blocklist in the early 2000s which 
was based on a DFZ BGP feed. I closed it off more than 10 years ago.

I just checked and I'm still receiving ~5 queries per second.

As per my anecdotal evidence, there are some really clueless operators
out there as well. There is, of course, the temptation to just add
a wildcard A record... But nah, I don't like hot places.

The other side-effect is that spammers are still very eager to use my
domain in their from: headers, judging by the amount of undeliverables
I receive (in waves).



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