OT: Re: Younger generations preferring social media(esque) interactions.

Seth Mattinen sethm at rollernet.us
Tue Mar 23 19:30:45 UTC 2021

On 3/23/21 8:26 AM, Mark Tinka wrote:
> On 3/23/21 17:11, Seth Mattinen wrote:
>> Okay great for those apps, but if nobody tells me where the new action 
>> is... how does that help me? With the list here at least it's on 
>> NANOG's website and they tell you how to join in.
>> This feels like you're saying people are not worthy of being included 
>> in the future because they don't "know" when they should just know if 
>> they are worth being included.
> To be honest, if you don't hear about it, you probably aren't the target 
> market :-). Happens to me all the time, don't take it personally.
> I recently found out about Clubhouse, for example. But it's been around, 
> for a while now.
> I'm not saying that NOG lists are irrelevant - I'm just saying that the 
> kids are flipping between screens faster than they can think. Us geezers 
> are bound to lag in their world. But if the time is right, we shall hear 
> about the Snapchat of the day so we can prepare our networks for ensuing 
> breakage.

This happened to WISPA where a enough people decided to split off and 
make Facebook groups the new gathering place to the detriment of the 
mailing lists.

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