OT: Re: Younger generations preferring social media(esque) interactions.

Seth Mattinen sethm at rollernet.us
Tue Mar 23 15:11:27 UTC 2021

On 3/23/21 7:40 AM, Mark Tinka wrote:
> On 3/23/21 16:34, Seth Mattinen wrote:
>> The problem with other "social" formats I've found is that they're 
>> often an exclusive club you have to know about through connections or 
>> be invited to. You can also be excluded on a whim.
> What you can learn from that is the new brand marketing models of 
> today's Internet world.
> Standard over-the-top selling is not much of a model anymore. If an app 
> (or service) is worth the value it purports, its users will do all the 
> marketing for it that it needs.

Okay great for those apps, but if nobody tells me where the new action 
is... how does that help me? With the list here at least it's on NANOG's 
website and they tell you how to join in.

This feels like you're saying people are not worthy of being included in 
the future because they don't "know" when they should just know if they 
are worth being included.

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