COVID-19 vs. our Networks

Mark Tinka mark.tinka at
Mon Mar 16 13:58:27 UTC 2020

On 15/Mar/20 00:12, Eric M. Carroll wrote:

> There is good news here. The infrastructure has never been better
> positioned to support this kind of mass event. We can shop from home,
> work from home, get groceries from home, order drugs, get
> entertainment, all via IP. The ISP community needs to be ready to
> respond to the magnitude of what is happening.

If the Internet was as large in 2003 when SARS hit as it is now in 2020
under the Coronavirus, I think we'd have seen the same issues back then.

Nowadays, information gets around a lot faster and with more fuss and
fanfare than before. On average, by the time you see a shared video clip
on WhatsApp, you'll be receiving it from 100 other contacts inside of a
30 minutes.

As readier as the Internet is today, part of the mega spread of the
fallout from the Coronavirus is because information is not only
traveling way faster, a lot of it is also not (necessarily) verified or
moderated before being shared with is consumers.


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