60 ms cross-continent

Stephen Satchell list at satchell.net
Mon Jun 22 19:37:02 UTC 2020

On 6/22/20 12:59 AM, adamv0025 at netconsultings.com wrote:
>> William Herrin
>> Howdy,
>> Why is latency between the east and west coasts so bad? Speed of light
>> accounts for about 15ms each direction for a 30ms round trip. Where does
>> the other 30ms come from and why haven't we gotten rid of it?
> Wallstreet did :)
> https://www.wired.com/2012/08/ff_wallstreet_trading/

“Of course, you’d need a particle accelerator to make it work.”

So THAT'S why CERN wants to build an even bigger accelerator than the LHC!

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