"Using Cloud Resources to Dramatically Improve Internet Routing"

Radu-Adrian Feurdean nanog at radu-adrian.feurdean.net
Sun Oct 20 11:42:48 UTC 2019

On Mon, Oct 7, 2019, at 16:42, Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:
> Executive summary: it's SDN for BGP. Centralizing Internet routing,
> what could go wrong? (As the authors say, "One reason is there is no
> single entity that has a big picture of what is going on, no
> manager". I wonder who will be Internet's manager.)
> Otherwise, an impressive amount of WTF. My favorite: "while
> communication by servers ___on the ground___ might take hundreds of
> milliseconds, in the cloud the same operation may take only one
> millisecond from one machine to another" I thought that universities
> were full of serious people, but university of Massachusets may be an
> exception?

What I find to be the worst part is in the first phrase : "... have received a three-year, $1.2 million grant to develop and test ..."
That makes 200k$/year/person. I find it quite a lot for bu**sh*t-bingo content.

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