IPv6 Pain Experiment

Masataka Ohta mohta at necom830.hpcl.titech.ac.jp
Fri Oct 4 03:41:59 UTC 2019

Doug Barton wrote:

>> Automatic renumbering involving DNS was important design goal
>> of IPv6 with reasons.
>> Lack of it is still a problem.

> Meanwhile, the thing that most people miss about IPv6 is that except in 
> edge cases, you never have to renumber. You get a massive address block 
> that you can use as long as you pay your bill.

That is called "provider lock-in", which is the primary
reason, when IPng WG was formed, why automatic renumbering
is necessary for IPv6.

> So, again, stop spreading FUD.

Look at the fact that IPv6 failed badly.

						Masataka Ohta

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