This DNS over HTTP thing

Jeroen Massar jeroen at
Tue Oct 1 20:22:38 UTC 2019

On 2019-10-01 21:38, Damian Menscher wrote:

> Could someone provide a reference of Google saying they'll change the default nameserver?  Without that, I think all of Jeroen's arguments fall apart?

While I stated:

>> Moving only your DNS to Cloudflare or Google does not solve the security stance,
>> even though that is what people are marketing this whole DoH move for....

I did not state what you write above ("Changing the default nameserver").
(Noting also, that the 'default nameserver' is the system one, not the one being just being used by the browser...)

But, likely in the long run that will happen won't it? As Firefox is already being used as a test base if it works...

Noting also, that none of my arguments fall apart with that. But hey, just skip over the whole thread, or even the TLDR... kthx!


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