Whois vs GDPR, latest news

niels=nanog at bakker.net niels=nanog at bakker.net
Sun May 27 21:36:08 UTC 2018

* list at satchell.net (Stephen Satchell) [Sun 27 May 2018, 23:17 CEST]:
>On 05/27/2018 12:54 PM, niels=nanog at bakker.net wrote:
>>You have this the wrong way around.  You'll need permission to 
>>store their IP address in logs that you keep and to inform third 
>>parties about their visits to your site.  And that is because that 
>>information belongs to the visitor, not to you.
>This is going to run afoul of some data retention laws currently on 
>the books in some places.  You *have* to keep logs, WITH IP 

Owen doesn't.

	-- Niels.

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