MTU to CDN's

joel jaeggli joelja at
Mon Jan 8 23:08:51 UTC 2018

On 1/8/18 2:55 PM, Dovid Bender wrote:

> Hi,
> N00b here trying to understand why certain CDN's such as Cloudfare have
> issues where my MTU is low. For instance if I am using pptp and the MTU is
> at 1300 it wont work. If I increase to 1478 it may or may not work.
PMTUD has a lot of trouble working reliability when the destination of
the PTB  is a stateless load-balancer.

If your tunnel or host clamps the mss  to the appropriate value it can
support. it is highly likely that connection attempts to the same
destination will work fine.
> TIA.

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